d-torso / Aki Co., Ltd has been arranging Assembling Workshop for children on summer vacation every year.
In the room that was formerly used as a school cafeteria, we are using the laser machine to cut the cardboard one by one. The children then are staring at the process passionately. And when they finally get to assemble, they do not speak a word. They are cautiously comparing the manual with their own work, absorbed completely into their task. We can feel their spirit overflowing just by watching them.
There may some children who can learn fast and some of them may need more time, however it is not a problem. Understand the manual while trying to assemble the spatial structure of d-torso is our objective. After the children finished their assembly task, every one of them will get a photo with their own d-torso. Drenched in sweat, the smiling children will leave a nice impression in our heart.
In addition of the in-house workshop, we also hold a workshop for managing store and event.